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  • Cross-Chain Compatibility – What Is It?
    5 min read β€’ Mar 7
    Ever since blockchain technology started attracting investments and proved to be an instrument for increasing capital, various types of research and development initiatives were launched to experiment with it. The result was the spawning of a large number of different blockchains with their own consensus algorithms, operating protocols, and applications. Variety is a boon, and users were thrilled to have a wide choice of applications and networks. However, such diversity led to the fragmentation of network space, essentially turning every blockchain into an island nation. This meant that blockchains could not interact or share digital asse
    #Ston Academy
  • Crypto Acquiring Explained
    5 min read β€’ Feb 29
    The application of cryptocurrencies and their adoption would have been impossible if they had no integrated means of being used as a means of payment. Unfortunately, the lack of widespread and systematic education on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies means that by far not all people have the knowledge about how to accept or send cryptocurrencies, even if they have any. This means that cryptocurrencies are reliant on applications, both software and hardware, to be used as a means of payment. This is where cryptocurrency payment gateways come into play, acting as a replication and mirror image of traditional payment services and tra
    #Ston Academy
  • Hot Trends in Crypto for 2024
    7 min read β€’ Feb 22
    There are quite a number of expectations from 2024 from crypto market participants, considering the fact that 2023 was more of a sluggish interim year between a crypto winter and a highly-anticipated bull run. The market of digital assets is evolving and, given the fact that it already exists, there is no stopping its progress going forward. However, there are already a number of dominating trends that seem to be poised to take hold in 2024 and will like impact the entire market and the behavior of its participants for at least the period of the coming year, if not longer. In the given material, we will explore the main trends that should
    #Ston Academy
  • The Influence of Web3 on Gaming
    5 min read β€’ Feb 8
    Web3 is often mistaken for Web3.0, both of which, though interrelated, are actually different aspects of the development of the future iteration of the internet. Web3 is the blockchain-based foundation of the internet of the future, which will act as a decentralized infrastructure providing immutable retention of information, the control of personal data, and the complete transparency of all processes within the environment. Gaming is a gigantic industry, which is being slowly transferred onto the tracks of Web3 to utilize its potential as a basis for the launch of new and innovative types of gameplay. In the given material, we will explor
    #Ston Academy
  • Multipools and How They Work
    3 min read β€’ Jan 25
    Mining forms the backbone of the entire blockchain framework, allowing transactions to be processed and hashed in the decentralized ledger. As a rule, the transactions are processed by miners, or node operators, who have a vested economic interest in supporting the operability of the network. The miners receive rewards for their efforts in the form of native blockchain coins, which can later be sold, as are Ethereum, Bitcoin, and many others. Though the period between 2022 to 2023 has seen a considerable drop in blockchain activity overall, with the slump in crypto trading, mining remains a viable and attractive form earning cryptocurrenci
    #Ston Academy
  • All You Need to Know About Price Impact on Decentralized Exchanges
    5 min read β€’ Jan 18
    The phenomenon known as price impact is a constant pain for traders who are familiar with high-frequency trading or have ever traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. When the effects of a price impact take place, traders are at a loss, bringing about frustration and financial setback. What Is Price Impact? The phenomenon of price impact can be best explained by the sudden change in the price of an asset as a result of the processing and execution of the transaction related to it. The price impact itself is calculated in the form of the size of the order being traded in relation to the amount of liquidity currently available. The relation
    #Ston Academy

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