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  • Blockchain and Twitter. What awaits us in the future
    3 min readApr 14
    As part of the “Blockchain Pop” section, we allow ourselves to imagine our digital future. We analyzed the news regarding the potential integration of blockchain technologies into social networks. What will it look like? What advantages can blockchain give to familiar social networks? In this article, although we operate with facts from the latest news of the digital world, we still do not predict the future and do not make statements. We want to discuss the possible integration of blockchain and social networks and share ideas and our vision with you. Twitter positions itself as a platform for effective microblogging. It is also conven
    #Blockchain Pop
  • Blockchain, the music industry, and a bit of Tiktok
    2 min readApr 9
    As part of the “Blockchain Pop” section, we allow ourselves to imagine what our digital future would look like. We have analyzed the news regarding the integration of blockchain technologies into streaming services and video hosting, the most popular places for concentrating copyright content. How might it look? What benefits can blockchain bring to artists and authors? It is worth mentioning that in this article, although we operate with facts from the latest news of the digital world, we still do not predict the future and do not make statements. We want to discuss with you the possible integration of blockchain and social networks and s
    #Blockchain Pop
  • How flowers did NOT become the prototype of cryptocurrency
    3 min readApr 4
    1636, the Netherlands. The highest per capita income. The better people live, the more of the economy is focused on luxury goods. And as we know, in terms of luxury there is no limit to human imagination. And then someone, having acquired the most expensive mansion, handmade furniture, and incredibly beautiful dishes, decided to turn his attention to tulip bulbs. The fact is that some varieties of tulips are subject to mutation: they have an unusual color and shape. To possess such a flower was considered a sign of the finest taste, and, of course, wealth. And then the prices for mutated tulip bulbs skyrocketed. Some copies could be eas
    #Blockchain Pop
  • And now some convincing speculation about Satoshi Nakamoto. Yes, we love speculations about Satoshi Nakamoto
    2 min readMar 27
    Here are a few more assumptions. This time, a little more adequate. In 2014, a Japanese-American physicist, Dorian Nakamoto, was found by the media interested in finding the real Nakamoto. Journalists were interested in his name, field of activity (Mr. Nakamoto worked in both secret defense projects and large financial companies), and libertarian views. When asked directly about the creation of Bitcoin during an interview, he evasively replied that he was no longer working on the project, but later said that his words were misinterpreted and that the scientist had nothing to do with Satoshi Nakamoto. Cryptographer Hal Finney was the fi
    #Blockchain Pop
  • A little more lame speculation about Satoshi Nakamoto
    2 min readMar 22
    It is human to try to lift the veil of mystery, even if it is almost impossible. There is still a debate about who the mysterious Bitcoin creator might be. And here are some assumptions. Let’s start with the least adequate. Let’s start with not the most convincing assumption. Elon Musk! An ex-employee of his corporation SpaceX claims that Mask is Satoshi Nakamoto. According to the programmer, in 2017, he was talking to a representative of Elon Musk on the phone, and at the end of the conversation, either as a joke or seriously asked if Elon Musk could have been the creator of Bitcoin. The representative paused and mysteriously said, "What
    #Blockchain Pop
  • What do we know about Satoshi Nakamoto?
    2 min readMar 19
    Almost nothing. The creator of bitcoin (or a group of individuals, as some believe) went to great lengths to remain anonymous. Here we could end this article. But several interesting facts still lie on the surface, and these facts once again confirm the mystery of this figure. On the P2P Foundation website, Satoshi indicated his date and place of birth: April 5, 1975, Japan. Given the secrecy of this person, it is safe to say that this information is not true. Moreover, some publicists spotted an Easter egg on this date. On this date, in 1933, American President Franklin Roosevelt signed a decree on the confiscation of gold from citize
    #Blockchain Pop

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