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  • Abbreviations and terms. Part 1
    2 min readFeb 17
    We know that among our readers there are those who do not fully understand the insides of cryptocurrencies and are just starting their journey. Yeah, greetings to you, dear newcomers. Today we prepared for you a small dictionary of frequently used terms and abbreviations with brief explanations in a very simple language. The list contains both important concepts and comic ones (which we all also use,why not). This collection will be divided into several parts, this is the first one, about cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Dear experienced blockchain and cryptocurrency users, forgive us for some simplifications, we want to make life of less
    #Ston Academy
  • The Little Doggos that could
    3 min readFeb 16
    What is generally called a shitcoin? Someone thinks that shitcoin is all the little-known cryptocurrencies, of which there are a thousand. But we don’t call something that can be profitable and convenient with such an obscene word. Some people say that a shitcoin is a scam or a cryptocurrency made for dishonest gain. But let's face it: there are coins created without malicious intent, just for fun, and some of them even made it to the top. Therefore, we will agree to call a stupid cryptocurrency – tokens without a specific purpose, without a business model on the part of the creators, tokens that appeared out of nowhere and in which no one
    #Blockchain Pop

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