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  • And even more non-standard applications of the blockchain! Part 3
    Mar 7 2023
    Here’s our third and, hopefully, not final text about the most unusual ways to apply blockchain technology. Here, by the way, you can read the first and the second part. Why not uniting people with the help of blockchain? The idea of online dating and Internet communication is being developed by the Matchpool blockchain project. On their official website, they claim that a decentralized system will allow you to find the right people, post and apply for jobs, support interest groups - all in a completely secure format. Each user is able to open their own "matchmaking network" and interact with other links in the chain, so we can say that th
    #Blockchain Pop 1 min read
  • And some more non-standard applications of the blockchain! Part 2
    Mar 5 2023
    Some time ago we wrote about how to control the freshness of products and help factory workers with anonymous feedbacks to improve the quality of work. Today we have selected for you some more incredible cases of using blockchain technologies in the most unexpected industries. A real electronic state! No, this is not a joke. The concept of decentralization inherent in the blockchain, the guys from Bitnation Governance 2.0 raised to the absolute. They have created a decentralized β€œstate” that they say provides exactly the same services as any real state: personal identification, marriage registration, loans, medical insurance. Any membe
    #Blockchain Pop 2 min read
  • 5 facts about NFTs you probably didn’t know about.
    Mar 3 2023
    Only those who are not at all interested in the world of cryptocurrencies do not know and do not talk about NFT. Many people have made a fortune buying and selling non-fungible tokens, someone is collecting them in the hope of increasing their value (or just because), artists create their own collections, and periodically the most extraordinary things take the form of NFTs. Today we have collected for you some interesting facts that open up the world of NFT from an unexpected angle. Jack Dorsey, the creator and owner of Twitter before Elon Musk joined, sold a screenshot of his first tweet (and therefore the very first tweet in history) for
    #Blockchain Pop 2 min read
  • Pizza Day
    Feb 28 2023
    We continue to write about important events and phenomena in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. That is why today we will talk about pizza. This amazing and simple dish, which came either from Italy, or even from ancient Greece, has two holidays of its own: International Pizza Day and just Pizza Day. There is not much to say about the first one: February 9, festivals, treats, trips to restaurants. And the second day, May 22, is especially significant for all those interested in cryptocurrency. In 2010, the bitcoin rate was low, and it was mined mostly for the sake of interest. No one knew how and what it could be spent on. And o
    #Blockchain Pop 1 min read
  • The Little Doggos that could
    Feb 16 2023
    What is generally called a shitcoin? Someone thinks that shitcoin is all the little-known cryptocurrencies, of which there are a thousand. But we don’t call something that can be profitable and convenient with such an obscene word. Some people say that a shitcoin is a scam or a cryptocurrency made for dishonest gain. But let's face it: there are coins created without malicious intent, just for fun, and some of them even made it to the top. Therefore, we will agree to call a stupid cryptocurrency – tokens without a specific purpose, without a business model on the part of the creators, tokens that appeared out of nowhere and in which no one
    #Blockchain Pop 3 min read
  • Unusual blockchain uses
    Feb 10 2023
    Currently, blockchain technology is not tied solely to cryptocurrencies. It is estimated that blockchain is used in more than 50 industries, from tracking the distribution of energy resources in real time to registering land titles. Here are some examples of how blockchain is applied in completely unexpected spheres, introducing new opportunities: After the discovery of E. coli bacteria in packages of lettuce, Walmart and Sam's Club proposed the use of blockchain technology to control the freshness of products. According to their idea, a customer at a self-service checkout could scan any product and find out where it was grown/produced
    #Blockchain Pop 2 min read

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