If you have not heard of Notcoin yet, then we are coming to tell you all about it. Of course, if you are reading this article, you are probably a clicker game user and wondering why you should hold Notcoin. Many of you probably not only clicked on the coin, but also completed tasks and invited friends. And all in the hope that someday the virtual coin can be turned into a real one. And so, on March 8, an important event happened for the entire NOT community. The sale of vouchers and ether was launched with Notcoin founder Alexander Plotvinov and marketing director Jack Booth. Many users, as soon as they saw that Notcoin trading had become possible, began to actively buy vouchers and put them up for sale. As a result, the service crashed and the “Trade” button disappeared. After some time, the developers solved the problem and everything worked out well. True, the exchange rate was no longer the same as when the service opened, as it had dropped significantly.

The developers themselves say that vouchers are an option to trade, exchange, buy Notcoin directly from your game balance even before listing. The price is determined by the users themselves.

The users are also to blame for the collapse of the exchange rate. The fact is that the game has many underage fans. Most likely, they were the ones who started selling vouchers at low prices. It is on GetGems that the cost for 10 million Notcoins is 8.2 TON.

Where to store Notcoin

Where should one store their future “capital” in the form of Notcoins? The best option is to do it directly on the game’s balance. After all, after listing, the multiplier will be applied to the balance. If you do not trust the game, you can convert Notcoin into vouchers. True, you will need a number of coins that is a multiple of 10,000,000. That is, if there are 24 million on the balance, then these are 2 vouchers, and 4 million will remain in the game account. Or, the balance must be a multiple of 100 million. If the account has 340 million, then it will be 3 vouchers of 100 million and 4 of 10 million. Or you can leave 40 million on the game balance.

In the event that you do not want to keep the vouchers and consider this whole mining story to be a pointless game, then you can sell them. To convert coins into NFTs, you must follow the instructions:

  • In the Notcoin bot, click on the “Trade” button.
  • Select how many vouchers you want to purchase.
  • Connect your wallet and pay the TON commission.
  • Then the voucher will appear in your wallet.
  • On the trading platform you can sell vouchers for TON.
  • The earned coins will appear in your wallet.
  • Then you can exchange TON for BTC or any other cryptocurrency.

However, you need to take into account that you will have to pay about 25% of fees from your earnings. For example, if you sell a voucher for 100 TON, only 75 TON will be credited to your balance. This is a pretty big commission, isn’t it?

Another option to hold coins is STON.fi. You can already make a preliminary application for the purchase of Notcoin, trading wNOT on STON.fi. All wNOT tokens are backed with Notcoin vouchers. After listing, the coins will be added to your balance. If you do not play clicker on Telegram, then keep Notcoin on the crypto exchange as an order application.

The Coin’s Prospects

While some are choosing the best wallet for storing Notcoin, others are wondering – is it worth keeping the coin on their balance? Let us start with the fact that this project, without exaggeration, is something extraordinary. There were many different clickers. But only Notcoin managed to achieve such popularity. The coin is based on the TON network, which already had its users and, thanks to the game, significantly increased their number. The second factor is capitalization. For now, of course, it is difficult to accurately determine this figure, but it is estimated to be $100 billion. The issue of coins is 50 billion. But for other meme coins this figure is many times higher. So, the coin has quite some serious prospects.

What about Binance?

NOT has a page on Binance, but it is essentially empty, because the coin has not been listed. So all speculation on the topic of holding Notcoin on Binance is just fantasy for now. Will there be a listing on the largest crypto exchange in the world? It is likely that yes. It is interesting that the developers themselves say that the listing price may even be zero. Moreover, they do not determine the release date of the coin. The main idea of the project is that Notcoin is community-driven. This is indirectly confirmed by the setting of prices on the marketplace after the release of vouchers. So far, it is known that the first phase of mining ends on April 1. So, you still have some time left to earn yourself some coins.

Buy Notcoin