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  • Token Listing – The Entire Process of Exchange Entry
    4 min readJul 13
    Exchange listing is the process through which a token or coin issuing project places its native asset up for trading on a platform that offers cryptocurrency trading services. Listing can be considered one of the most important stages of development for a project, since it ensures the commencement of live trading of the native asset, providing liquidity and circulation, which in turn sets in motion the law of supply and demand. In the given material, we will take the example of the TON token to explore the main reasons for token listing on exchanges, as well as the stages that a digital asset should go through before being listed. Excha
    #Ston Academy
  • Listing on DEXes
    2 min readFeb 8
    IDO (Initial DEX Offering) is the initial offer of tokens on a decentralized exchange (DEX) and, at the same time, is currently the most popular method of crypto crowdfunding. This method is beneficial to both startups and investors. Unlike ICO (Initial Coin Offering) and IEO (Initial Exchange Offering), the requirements for investors and developers are minimal, and the token is listed on the DEX immediately after token minting, IDO, and creation of the liquidity pool. Typical IDO procedure goes as follows: 1. Preparation – working on the website, white paper, yellow paper, and social networking to create a community. 2. Presale – th
    #Ston Academy

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