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  • NFT Uses Beyond Web3
    Mar 21 2024
    The NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, phenomenon made its splashing debut in 2020 on a global scale with the launch of dozens of art-oriented projects that offer proof of ownership and the tethering of real world assets to their digital counterparts. Since then, NFTs have evolved to tackle multiple challenges in a wide variety of industries that encompass many areas of the economy. Be it art, gaming, real estate or even logistics, NFTs can be found in any of these domains with varying degrees of success. The fact that NFTs can be used outside their originally intended realm of Web3 is a powerful signal that blockchain-based technologies and solu
    #STON.fi Academy 6 min read
  • DEX Security
    Mar 14 2024
    A decentralized exchange is a platform that specializes in the trade of digital assets like cryptocurrencies and NFTs. By virtue of being based on the blockchain, a decentralized exchange, or DEX, can access the network and perform all of the same operations like a centralized exchange. However, unlike its centralized counterpart, a decentralized exchange does not act as an intermediary legal entity – it allows users to interact on a peer-to-peer basis, providing them merely with the interface and infrastructure facilities needed. All decentralized exchanges perform trustless operations by relying on automated smart contracts that act as c
    #STON.fi Academy 6 min read
  • Multipools and How They Work
    Jan 25 2024
    Mining forms the backbone of the entire blockchain framework, allowing transactions to be processed and hashed in the decentralized ledger. As a rule, the transactions are processed by miners, or node operators, who have a vested economic interest in supporting the operability of the network. The miners receive rewards for their efforts in the form of native blockchain coins, which can later be sold, as are Ethereum, Bitcoin, and many others. Though the period between 2022 to 2023 has seen a considerable drop in blockchain activity overall, with the slump in crypto trading, mining remains a viable and attractive form earning cryptocurrenci
    #STON.fi Academy 3 min read
  • All You Need to Know About Price Impact on Decentralized Exchanges
    Jan 18 2024
    The phenomenon known as price impact is a constant pain for traders who are familiar with high-frequency trading or have ever traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. When the effects of a price impact take place, traders are at a loss, bringing about frustration and financial setback. What Is Price Impact? The phenomenon of price impact can be best explained by the sudden change in the price of an asset as a result of the processing and execution of the transaction related to it. The price impact itself is calculated in the form of the size of the order being traded in relation to the amount of liquidity currently available. The relation
    #STON.fi Academy 5 min read
  • The Most Common Types of Crypto Scams
    Jan 11 2024
    The cryptocurrency space is still teeming with all manner of fraudsters, scammers, hackers and ne’er-do-wells, all seeking to profit illegally in an industry that is still suffering from lack of proper law enforcement. The year 2023 has seen a considerable decline in crypto-related crimes, according to a report by Chainalysis, largely due to the overall slump in liquidity volumes on the market, making it less attractive for criminals. Still, crime still runs rampant throughout the crypto industry and the following is a list of the most common types of fraudulent schemes encountered by users in the market in 2023. The Investment Manager
    #STON.fi Academy 8 min read
  • Impermanent Losses on DEX Platforms – The How And Why
    May 12 2023
    Decentralized asset trading, or liquidity pooling in decentralized finance services, is inextricably connected with the risk of losing funds due to the inherent price volatility of cryptocurrencies. One of the most common reasons for the deterioration of profits and portfolios on decentralized trading platforms is the risk of impermanent loss. Impermanent Loss Explained Impermanent loss is the potential loss of value or profits sustained as a result of the price difference of an asset within the timeframe when it was provided to a liquidity pool and the moment it was withdrawn. The loss will depend on the size of the difference in price
    #STON.fi Academy 3 min read

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