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  • Web3 and Trading – The Merger
    5 min readNov 30
    Web3 is the next stage of the Internet, as described by most tech enthusiasts and experts alike. The decentralized version of the web is predicted to be much faster, more intuitive, reliable, transparent and user-oriented than its Web2 counterpart that we are all using today. Most importantly, Web3 is supposed to be based on blockchain technology, meaning that it will be entirely decentralized and will eliminate the need for any intermediaries, thus greatly expanding the liberties of users and ensuring the security of their personal data. Web3 will be using artificial intelligence and machine learning as a basis for many of its services, t
    #Ston Academy
  • Crypto Portfolio Rebalancing – The Key to a Lasting Market Stay
    4 min readMay 26
    The cryptocurrency market is in perpetual motion, meaning that no single asset can expect to retain its original value for too long. Such volatility places the portfolios and, therefore the potential profits of investors, at risk. In order to avoid such loss of value arising from price dynamics, investors resort to a tactic called portfolio rebalancing. Portfolio Rebalancing Explained If portfolio rebalancing is to be explained in short, it is the redistribution of available assets through subsequent purchase and sale operations with the aim being their return to original weightings within the portfolio. A simple imaginary case can b
    #Ston Academy
  • Margin Trading. А Closer Look
    4 min readMay 18
    Trading on the open market, especially the traditional stock market, is a very demanding occupation, especially when it comes to the capital required for making entry into the trade and deriving profits. Many traders do not have the necessary capital, or do not wish to risk their savings, when trading on the open market. That is why exchanges and trading platforms offer a convenient and affordable tool for hedging such issues – margin trading. What Is Margin Trading? Also known as buying on margin or trading with a shoulder, margin trading is the use of leverage, or borrowed funds, to enter trades and make larger transactions when tradi
    #Ston Academy
  • Impermanent Losses on DEX Platforms – The How And Why
    3 min readMay 12
    Decentralized asset trading, or liquidity pooling in decentralized finance services, is inextricably connected with the risk of losing funds due to the inherent price volatility of cryptocurrencies. One of the most common reasons for the deterioration of profits and portfolios on decentralized trading platforms is the risk of impermanent loss. Impermanent Loss Explained Impermanent loss is the potential loss of value or profits sustained as a result of the price difference of an asset within the timeframe when it was provided to a liquidity pool and the moment it was withdrawn. The loss will depend on the size of the difference in price
    #Ston Academy
  • Scary beasts FOMO and FUD
    2 min readMar 2
    Today we will talk about the fears that every newcomer faces when diving into the world of cryptocurrency. These fears even have names, with abbreviations. The first is called FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, and the second is FOMO - Fear of Missing Out. These fears live side by side and often create stressful situations for those who are not yet confident in themselves. Who wouldn't want to go back to 2014 and stock up on bitcoin to become fabulously rich? Unfortunately (actually, fortunately), this is impossible, and the thought itself, firmly planted in the head of a novice crypto-investor, leads to a subconscious fear of not followin
    #Ston Academy
  • Abbreviations and terms. Part 2
    2 min readFeb 18
    In the previous article we analyzed the most commonly used terms related to cryptocurrencies and blockchain. It's time to talk about mining and trading. Let’s go! Dear experienced blockchain and cryptocurrency users, forgive us for some simplifications, we want to make life of less experienced colleagues easier, not confuse them even more :) Mining is the process of creating and finding a new block in the blockchain using computing power (or some other way). Miners are rewarded for their work in cryptocurrency. A mining farm is what buzzes in your neighbor's garage and suspiciously melts the snow in winter. As a rule, specialized min
    #Ston Academy

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